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What Small Businesses Need to Know about Google’s Hummingbird Update

Small businesses are keen on setting up a mark in the field and employ almost every tool and service available for improvisations. With SEO as one of the most wanted and vital element in Internet marketing, SEO agencies tend to get crowded by almost all sizes of businesses. The strategies for search Engine Optimization are universal yet transitory, marking small (and significant) changes gradually. Since the entry of Panda algorithm update in early 2011, Google has substantially transformed the SEO busines.


The businesses are now required to generate distinct, unparalleled content in order to get a top position in the SERPS (search engine results pages). And following the changes in strategy, Google has been focusing on a chain of updates to stall the businesses that rely on a poorly structured and executed SEO practices. Humming Update recently joined the cleaning process that is monitored by Google’s algorithm.
The update was announced on 26th September, the actual effect taking place in the late August. This update drastically transforms the search results affecting a striking 90% of searches. The objective behind this update is to enhance the speed of Google and allow the users to get desirable and authentic results in case they use long phrases in the search box (initially, Google displayed ranking searches using separate keywords). Hummingbird’s goal is to make the whole search process more human-like. With such human-oriented approach, we can expect the search engines to do voice-searches and follow commands like the smart watches. With Google in the picture that is not an impossible task.


Will the Ranking get affected

If you are still struggling with a poor SEO (please contact a reliable Agency), then any kind of update or improvisation that focuses on quality, will get your ranking down. Hummingbird is equipped with analytical tools that will help you find the intensity of traffic on your website and the actual effect of the update. If you got your keywords right, then you are in a win-win situation from all ends.


The key point in all this discussion is that Google will be introducing supplementing updates to its search engine algorithm. Your website’s SERP ranking is relying on these updates and strategies. However, if you have good SEO stuffed in your content and your agency is implementing SEO Agencies in Phoenix solutions in full force, then you hardly have anything to worry about. Not now, not in the future.

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